QESCO invites single stage two envelops sealed tender from the manufacturers/suppliers who are registered with sale tax department on active tax payer list (ATL) of FBR and pre-qualified PPMC (former PEPCO) Lahore or with any DISCO for supply of the following material on free delivery at consignee store i.e. Regional Stores QESCO Quetta according to WAPDA/ PPMC (former PEPCO) / NTDC specifications (Amended to date).
S. No Description Tender No. Qty ” Date & time of Submission Opening date and time Basic of Supply 01 Meter Security Box (A Type) T-1667 658 Nos 28 06.2022 11:00 A.M 28.06.2022 11:30 AM FCS to Regional Store QESCO Quetta
Terms & Conditions: (i) Tender will be received and opened in the office of Manager (MM) QESCO Quetta on the date and time as mentioned against each, in the presence of bidders or their Authorized representative who choose to attend. This tender is also being put on PPRA Website (WWW.PPRA.ORG.PK). (2) i. Tender Documents will be issued to the Firm having valid prototype approval. (where applicable). (ii) Tender documents can be obtained from the office of Manager (MM) QESCO Zarghoon road, Quetta against non-refundable fee of Rs. 2,000.00 per tender on any working day during office hours till a day earlier from the opening date of tender. (iii). Tenders will be received manually and will be dropped in tender box half an hour before the opening time.
Manager Material Management QESCO Quetta