Sealed bids are invited by the Divisional Superintendent Pakistan Railway Rawalpindi on items rate basis, from Registered Company who are having experience for the field and also appearing on the active tax payers list of FBR, income tax and sale tax, for the supply of Chemicals for anti-dengue campaign for Pakistan Railways Rawalpindi Division with maximum discount.
Bidding documents will be available for sale © Rs. 1000/- each in medical branch. Divisional Superintendent Office Rawalpindi from the date of publication of this notice during Monday to Thursday and Saturday from 09:00 hrs to 16:00 hrs and Friday from 09:00 hrs to 13:00 hrs up to 01. I 1.2022.
The bids will be received upto 11:30 hrs upto 01.11.2022 and opened on same date at 12:00 hrs in Divisional Accounts Office in the presence of bidders or their representatives who may like to be present.
The Railway administration may reject all bids at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid. The Railway Administration shall upon request communicate to any bidder who submitted a bid, the ground for its rejection of all bids. Tender Notice is also available at PPRA website
No. 42-Med/S/RWP Dated: 14.09.2022
(Dr. Rehaft Sharif Butt)
Divisional Medical Officer
Pakistan Railways