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- June 1, 2022 at 3:54 pm
SBP Tenders
REGISTERED/IMMEDIATE Heavy Industries TaxilaCommercial Directorate (Commercial Proc Branch) Taxila Cantt, Pakistan Tel: 051 9315333-62933 Fax No. 051 9315029&31 CC/22/5061/1T-306/Ind-174/ EM/APC
30 May 2022.
To: M/s
Subject: Tender Inquiry – FOR
1. You are requested to please forward your offer for the following:-
Ser Part No and Nomenclature A/U Qty Unit Price in Rs a. Proc of Bullet Proof Glasses As per Anx “A” Set 04
Instructions for Bidders 2. Rates will be quoted on FOR Taxila basis. Offer maximum discount while submitting your bid. 3. Over writing and cutting of any nature in the quotation will not be accepted. 4. Part-I and Part-II bids will be enclosed in separate sealed envelopes for each tender inquiry. For identification purpose, the words “TECHNICAL BID PART-I WITHOUT PRICE” and COMMERCIAL BID (PART-II) WITH PRICE” shall be written in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS on the respective sealed envelopes which will be placed in a large envelope bearing complete details of the tender inquiry as under:-
5. Forward your bids not later than at 1030 hours on 16 June 2022. 6. Submission of Tender. The tender if brought by hand, will be handed over to security staff on duty at Heavy Industries Taxila Gate No. 5 for placing the same in bid box (available at
The bid will not be brought by hand by any firm while visiting the offices of Assistant Director (Commercial). 7. If, required endorsements are not made on the envelope, bid is liable to be disqualified. The bid will be opened on 16 June 2021 at 1100 hours in the presence of the available representatives of the firms in Commercial Directorate, Heavy Industries Taxila. No bid will be entertained / considered after 1030 hours, on the aforementioned date. 8. HIT reserves its right to cancel the bidding process with reason but with no obligation to justify such a reason. 9. Please indicate full details (specifications, manufacturers etc) of the stores offered in your bid. If required details are found missing, the bid will automatically stand disqualified and rejected. 10. The stores should conform to prescribed drawing/specifications/sample as available with APCF. 11. The store will be packed in standard grade, worthy of transportation by the means adopted. 12. This inquiry may not be taken as an indication of subsequent supply order and does not in any way commit HIT to purchase the items offered. 13. In case of failure to supply the stores within stipulated period, liquidated damages at the rate of 2% but not less than 1% of amount involved per month and max value not more than 10% of contracted store value or a part there-of will be levied. 14. In case of any dispute regarding the terms and conditions and the quality of stores, the decision of the Chairman HIT will be considered as final and binding on the suppliers/firms. 15. In case your firm fails to execute the order within the stipulated time and does not materialize the supply of ordered stores, the supply order/contract will be cancelled at firm’s risk and expense. Expenditure incurred on the re-purchase of offered stores will be recovered from your firm under existing procedures. 16. Indenter / purchaser reserves the right to increase/decrease the quantity of items, placed on the tender without any reference to the firm. 17. Partial payment and partial delivery is not allowed. 100% payment will be made against pre-receipted bill (duly affixed with revenue stamp) alongwith professional tax certificate (Photocopy duly attested) and Active Taxpayer List (ATL) on receipt of complete store as received, inspected and technically accepted by APCF. 18. Bidder/firm shall sign the contract within 15 x working days of receipt of the contract. Failure to do so may constitute sufficient grounds for the cancellation of the award of contract and forfeiture of the bid security and on which event HIT may award the contract to 2nd highest
rated bidder or call for new bids. 19. All clauses/terms mentioned in this inquiry will be considered accepted by the firm in case no reference to them is given in the offer. 20. Offers must remain valid for 180 days from the date of opening of the tender. 21. The prices quoted must be firm and final and inclusive of all taxes, duties, packing, handling charges. 22. Tender documents are aval at PPRA website which may be downloaded free of cost. However, any bidder who is desirous to get the hard copies, can do so by submitting Postal Orders amounting Rs. 1000.00 or a CDR of equal amount in favour of Director Commercial, HIT on any working day during office hours from Commercial Directorate, HIT. 23. Firms are instructed NOT to send Telex and Fax bids. Such bids/offers will not be accepted. 24. BGs Against Contract Performance/Warranty Period. The Supplier shall furnish a 5% Performance Bank Guarantee in shape of bank guarantee (on judicial paper valued rupees Rs.100.00 / CDR) within one month from the date of signing of the contract from any scheduled bank in Pakistan against the total value of contract excluding taxes/duties. This bank guarantee will remain valid as per warranty clause. BG will be released after completion of warranty period of store. 25. Inspection will be carried out at APCF, HIT Taxila Cantt by the nominated team. Inspection authority will be Managing Director APCF, HIT, Taxila Cantt. 26. All Firms participating in the tender will deposit 2% bid security of total quoted value in the shape of CDR issued by any scheduled bank of Pakistan addressing to Director Commercial, Heavy Industries Taxila. The bid security will be provided by the firm in commercial envelope. Separate certificate that 2% Bid money is enclosed in commercial offer, will be provided alonqwith the technical offer. Bid security money of unsuccessful bidders will be returned within 14 days after issuance of the bids evaluation report, whereas bid security money of the successful bidder will be returned upon submission of 5% Performance Bank Guarantee. 27. The offered price will be inclusive of 17% GST and applicable Taxes as imposed by Government of Pakistan. The offers without the inclusion of GST will not be considered. 28. Integrity Pact will invariably be involved / invoked when the total value of the contract exceeds 10 million as specified in PPRA Rules 2004. 29. Eligibility a. Firms should have no litigation history in any contract with government
organizations within or outside Pakistan.
An affidavit to the fact as per Annexure `B’ would be provided on a judicial stamp paper. b. The firm should not be blacklisted in any of the government organisations. In this regard the firm shall provide “No Blacklisting Cert” on judicial stamp paper as per Annexure ‘C’. c. Firms should not have defaulted in any contract with government organisations within or outside Pakistan. Firms will provide “No Defaulter Certificate” as per attached Annexure d. Only registered suppliers/persons who are on Active Taxpayer List (ATL) of FBR are eligible to supply goods/services to the government departments. The supplier will submit a certificate to this effect alongwith the technical offer. e. Delivery Period (DP). Delivery period will be 1 x month from the date of signing of contract. f. Multiple offers quoting firms will be technically rejected.
g. h.
Country of Origin: Any Country except India, Israel and Taiwan. Warranty Period. The warranty period will be one year from the date of issuance of CRV of stores. i. Separate certificate in the technical offer that 2% bid money is enclosed in the commercial offer. 30. Offers of those firms will be given less weightage, which are still having pending supplies of the contracted stores beyond respective DPs against previous contracts. 31. The offer / bid of the firm having valid Armouring License issued by Mol (Ministry of Interior) will be evaluated. Any firm which does not having said armouring license will be technically rejected. 32. Evaluation Criteria a. Qualification Criteria. Participating firms should meet the following criteria with:-(1) 70% aggregate score of all categories. (2) The scoring would be done as under:-
Ser Description Maximum Points (a) Financial Soundness 35 (b) Past Experience / Previous Record 15 (c) Past Performance 20 (d) Project Technical Evaluation 30 Total 100
Further details of criteria for each of the above categories are as follows:-
(a) Financial soundness. Credit marks for financial soundness of the firm shall be on the basis of following qualifications:-
Ser Description Max Points Explanation for Marks Obtained Remarks (i) Annual turnover of last 3 x Financial Years 15 Marks will be calculated as per the formula:- Formula Score = (Y1+Y2+Y3) x 15 Third Party generated verifiable audit reports for last three financial years to be provided. Note: All calculation will be done in Rs. 3 X *(Y1,Y2,Y3 respective annual turnovers of last three years) X= Last purchased rate / estimated value of the quoted items available with HIT. (ii) Working Capital of last 3 x Financial years 15 Marks will be calculated as per the formula:-Formula Score= (Y1 +Y2+Y3) x15 3(x/2) Y1, Y2 and Y3 being respective working capitals of last three years. X/2= Half of the last purchased rate / estimated value of the quoted items available with HIT. (iii) Litigation History where decision went against the firm 5 Full marks for firms with no litigation history. One mark will be deducted for each litigation where decision went against the firm. (Affidavit on judicial stamp paper as per Annexure S’ to be provided). Total 35
(b) Past Experience. Credit marks for experience shall be awarded on the basis of following qualifications:-
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