Public Sector Organization Tenders | Public Sector Organization Tenders | Civil Works Construction of Hostel Building etc….. 068/2021

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    Public Sector Organization

    TENDER NOTICE NO. 068/2022

    A Public Sector Organization invites sealed tenders for the following works from Pre-qualified/enlisted and security wise cleared Civil Contractors for Civil works, as per under mentioned schedule:


    No. Name of Work Estimated
    Cost Tender
    Fee Pre-Bld

    Meeting date

    & time Tender


    date & time Tender


    date & time Period for


    2022 Construction of I lostel
    building at DC khan Rs.

    Miliion Ks,

    350W- 2346-2022

    at 10001irs. 28-06.2022

    at 1030Hrs. 28.06.2022

    at 1100Hrs. 12 Months

    Tender documents can be °Wined during working hours (0900Hrs. to 1600Hrs.) on Monday to Friday from under- mentioned office, Islamabad.
    ii. Issuance of tender documents shall be closed one day earlier to the opening date.
    iii. 2% Bid Security in the form of CDR or Bank Guaranty from scheduled bank of Pakistan as specified in Tender Documents shall have to be submitted along with bid. Otherwise, bid shall be rejected.
    iv. Bid Security must be enclosed in a separate sealed envelope along with tender, with name of work clearly mentioned on the envelope.
    v. Two copies of BOQ shall be submitted by bidder (one original & 2`1° photocopy) and both shall be sealed, pre-signed and stamped and name of work shall be clearly mentioned on envelope.
    vi. Rates shall be written in figures and words in separate columns. In case of conflict in figures and words, the
    rate quoted in words shall prevail.
    viii. Competent authority may reject any or all bids/ proposals at any time prior to acceptance of bid or proposal.
    ix. Tender will not be issued or accepted by Post/ Courier/ Telegraphic means.
    x. Tender Evaluation Committee reserves the right to demand the analysis of quoted rates to check their reasonability and workability.
    xi. Incomplete proposal/ bid may not be entertained and shall be treated as non-responsive.
    xii. Tender notice is also available at website xii.•
    Manager (CMD)

    Al-Moor Plaza. KhannaDakSohan,

    Near Expressway. P.O.Box# 1998, Islamabad.

    Pb: 051-2612041


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